According to Mind, each year in England 1 in 4 people will suffer from mental health problems. Mental Health is something we must all be mindful of, and it can affect anybody at any point in their lifetime.
Mental health awareness is greater than ever, and so much so that 15th-21st May is recognised as Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. Continue reading as we take a deeper look into Massage Therapy and the positive effects it can have on Mental Health.
Improved Relaxation
Massage Therapy promotes relaxation in many ways to release tension and reduce anxiety. Individuals who suffer from anxiety may experience fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate. Regular Massages can help to ease these symptoms, as they promote efficient blood flow which improves oxygen supply.
Opportunity To De-Stress
When feeling stressed and/or anxious, it’s possible that your body will also experience some symptoms. This could be in the form of pain or muscle stiffness, which occurs due to muscles tensing up from anxiety. In addition to this, when muscles are tense and tight, there’s likely to be a build-up of unwanted toxins and scar tissue. This can result in further pain, which is where massage therapy can really help and make a difference. Massages help break up scar tissue and increase lymph flow, which can ease pain, relieve tension, and improve mobility, particularly if muscles are stiff.
Time To Reflect
When a massage is carried out and your mind relaxes you have the opportunity to think calmly and properly reflect on things. You may even process thoughts and feelings with a more rational mindset when you’re in a state of relaxation. This reflection opportunity can help to reduce the risk of feeling overwhelmed along with other symptoms of anxiety. You can have greater peace of mind by dealing with things slowly and peacefully and this can significantly reduce stress.
Sleep Quality
It’s common that people suffering from anxiety also adopt poor and infrequent sleep patterns. They can struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night because of increased hormone levels in response to stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, this then starts a vicious cycle, as tiredness can potentially cause further anxiety and have a negative impact on other areas of life.
If you’re looking to improve sleep quality, regular massages can certainly help to achieve this. Massages create a total sense of relaxation and this is further enhanced as your muscles warm up. Swedish Massage is an excellent treatment choice when seeking better sleep, as they are extremely gentle and efficiently promote relaxation.
Final Thoughts
If you’re struggling with mental health issues and think massage therapy could help, please contact our friendly team today. We have clinics in both Leeds and Wakefield and offer a wide range of treatments at each location. If you’re unsure what treatment is right for you or if you have any questions please call 07711 633 512.